Tag Archive | Dark Knight

How precious Life is…

Last night I called my Mama and Courtney and wanted to reach through the phone and just hug them both! THIS is the week I have had!

Have you had one of those weeks? One where, you’re stressed  at work, worked too many hours, started your period early, had your cramps and moodiness all at the same time AND screwed up at a new job all in the same week, WHILE working 10 hour days? Then, had to stop your workouts, while still holding on to that 7 pounds because you have tweaked you knee? Yeah, this was MY week!

BUT ALL this does not compare to a phone call I got a few nights ago and this goes back to my first line.  I just can’t get this senselessness out of my head of the last few days. First, let me say that I believe in God and have faith and that I believe that this is the closest to Hell we will ever be and with what just happened in Colorado and what happened to a friend of mine in Detroit, I truly believe that!

We have all heard about the horrific crime that happened at the premier of the Dark Knight in Colorado. As we often hear of these things, it’s sad and horrible  but it’s so often ‘ over there’ or ‘someone else’. Well, that ‘ someone else’ was my best friend’s step sister Jessie. We had been playing phone tag and I couldn’t understand why she’d been trying so hard to reach me. She is in Texas and I am in Michigan. We don’t talk all the time, we have been best friends now for 25+ years…

Kat and Traci

Kat and Traci—way long ago













She was calling to tell me her Step Sister Jessie was a victim in the Colorado Shooting.  I just couldn’t believe it, I was like what? Are you sure? She has only been there a month and sadly, she had just avoided a shooting a month ago in Toronto by three minutes because she had an ‘ funny feeling’ and left the food court right before a gun man open fired.


Jessie was studying to be a sportscaster and her a close friend was injured in the  shooting –he is hoping to recover to attend her service today in San Antonio, Tx.

Jessie Redfield










Please say a prayer for their family today! They have also started a fund, you can read about here….




But as I said, TWO tragedies…

A friend of mine at work, has waited on news about two boys ( 17 and 18) who went missing in Detroit a week ago…


They were found yesterday in an field, kneeling, shot in the head….what is this world coming too? I don’t understand? Granted, as Courtney will tell you, there are certain areas you NEED to have care in, and even in this article they mention, be careful here…but still. They were KIDS! MY KID is this age!

After Colorado I called her, after yesterday I called her, she is SOOOOOOOO far away, I just want her near-I KNOW she is 18, I KNOW I have to let her live her life and let her be ok, but last night, I went to bed at 9:30 just so upset, like  right now as I cry, I just want to crawl into bed with her and watch her sleep! It’s a parent moment, not a husband moment, not a friend moment, I want a Mama moment and I can’t have it, so I am going to send this out to all the parents out there and say hug your kids today, tell them you love them and pray for these parents and families, these brothers and sisters today–for life is just so precious!

Cort and Traci

Cort and Traci










Plus today is my Sister’s birthday! She is the most amazing, beautiful, wonderful woman of Faith I could know…I am TRULY blessed to have her in my life! I am so thankful, so I want to take a moment and say I love you Lisa and truly, truly, you are just so gracious! Amid all this –you are a shining light!

The girls

The Girls Traci, Lisa, Cort and Mama









‘When we are hurting, confused, and emotionally distraught or even panic-stricken, we desperately seek someone who loves us to listen attentively and sympathetically to our dilemma and give us sound advice. We have this Someone in Jesus Christ. He has told us,” I don’t want you to go through this by yourself. Let’s sit down and talk it over. Let’s decide what the problem is and then you give it to Me and let Me handle it for you. I will do that for you because I love you.” [3] So we let Him talk to us through His Word and we find solace and peace and strength. In His Word we find all that we need!

Thank you for letting me grieve, not sure why I am so upset about this, I just am, I will get back to my normal blog next time! Thank you for listening!

